All about Sponsoring Parents or Grandparents for Permanent Residence in Canada

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  5. All about Sponsoring Parents or Grandparents for Permanent Residence in Canada

The Parents & Grandparents Sponsorship Program in Canada offers eligible applicants for permanent residency through a lottery system. Recently, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) announced that they are still considering applications from applicants who have received an invitation.

What is the Sponsorship of Parents and Grandparents?

Family Immigration Classification in Canada allows sponsored parents and grandparents to become permanent residents of Canada through their sponsorship program with the right to live and work without restrictions in Canada, as well as access to health care and other publicly funded services. Sponsored parents and grandparents can also eventually apply for Canadian citizenship.

What are the Income Criteria required to Sponsor Parents and Grandparents?

The applicant must meet the minimum requirements for any province or region other than Quebec and take into account the following persons in calculating the number of applicants:

  • Sponsor;
  • Sponsor Spouse (they can be co-signatories of your application);
  • Children under the Sponsorship;
  • Children under the Care of a Spouse;
  • Any other persons for whom the Sponsor may have resided in the Past and is still financially liable to them;
  • Parents and Grandparents who receive financial support (spouse and dependent children);
  • Any dependent children who do not come to Canada with their Parents or Grandparents;
  • Parents or Grandparents or Spouse, even if they are not in Canada;
  • Divorced Parents or Grandparents of the sponsor.

If you live in Quebec, the Quebec Immigration Service will assess your income, and sponsors must be eligible for the last 12 months. All sponsors must submit a signed commitment to the IRCC and, if in Quebec, to the provincial government. This commitment is a legal declaration that you will be financially responsible to the family members under your protection, and they cannot apply for social assistance.

How to qualify for Parent and Grandparent Sponsorship? 

To be eligible, sponsors must:

  • Be a Citizen or Permanent Resident of Canada;
  • Be able to afford certain expenses; and
  • Provide Financial Support to the persons under their Protection and Dependents.

The sponsor and the sponsored person or persons must sign a contract that:

  • Commits the sponsor to the sponsored person or persons and other eligible Relatives accompanying them for three to 20 years, depending on their Age and Relationship with the sponsor, from the Date their permanent Residence begins; and
  • Recognizes that people who become permanent residents will do their best to cover their expenses.

Quebec-based sponsors must sign an agreement with the province of Quebec. Sponsors in Quebec must also be eligible for Quebec sponsorship after being approved by the IRCC as a sponsor.

Alvand Immigration Organization
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