The Issue of Delay in Canadian Immigration Cases

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Immigration, Citizenship and Refugees Canada (IRCC) has nearly 1.8 million backlogged immigration applications.

CIC News has received data from the IRCC office stating that the number of applications on the IRCC list as of October 27, 2021, is as follows:

Examining the Issue of Delay in Canadian Immigration Cases
  • 548,000 permanent residence requests related to economic, asylum, family, and humanitarian class applicants
  • 776,000 temporary residence applications related to study permits, temporary residence visas, work permits, and visitor extensions
  • 468,000 Canadian citizenship applications as of October 26
  • Total requests available 1792000

Based on available figures, the number of IRCC applications has increased by approximately 350,000 since July.

According to a report by Nicholas Keong of the Toronto Star, Canada’s immigration backlog as of July 6, 2021, is as follows:

  • 375,000 permanent residence requests
  • 703,000 temporary residence requests
  • 370,000 Canadian citizenship applications.
  • Total requests available 1448000

Also, the data processed by IRCC regarding the number of requests made during the Corona epidemic is as follows:

  • Reviewing 337,000 applications for a permanent residence between January and September 2021, as well as processing 214,000 applications in 2020
  • Reviewing 1,500,000 applications for a temporary residence between January and September 2021
  • Reviewing 134,000 Canadian citizenship applications between January and September 2021, which is about 80,000 applications processed compared to 2020

In the following tables, the details related to the delay of Canadian immigration cases based on the permanent and temporary residence program:

Constant Residence Applications until October 27, 2021, by Type of Application (per person)

The Number of temporary Residence Applications (including extensions) in the Inventory until October 27, 2021, by Type of Application (per person)

Alvand Immigration Organization
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