How to tell if a Job Offer from Canada is fake

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Scammers know better than anyone else that job seekers are in such a vulnerable position that they are even willing to give up their money and personal data to get a job offer from Canada.

During the Corona epidemic, online scams are on the rise. According to statistics released by the Canadian Association of Fire Chiefs (CAFC), there were more than 68,000 online scams in 2021 (as of December). The loss from this statistic amounted to 231 million dollars, which has doubled compared to 2020. Your most important weapon against such scams is to raise awareness.

How to avoid “Job Offer” Scams?

If you think a job offer from Canada is so good and ideal that it may not be right, your guess is probably correct. Here are some tips to help you identify a fake job offer:

  • Job Offers in Canada are from Companies for which you have not applied.
  • Professions have high Wages, and vague conditions for Employment somehow target your feelings to think about this job.
  • The Job Offer may have been sent to you from a suspicious email address, in which case, even if the email is in the Name of a well-known Company, you still do not respond to the email and contact one of the Members of that Company to verify the email. Gain the necessary Confidence.
  •  Scammers may ask you to pay for a Job Offer from Canada or engage you in fake checks to buy Supplies. Undoubtedly, keep in mind that such Issues do not involve any financial payment or involve you in any trading activities.
  •  Scammers may ask you for important information, such as your address or Social Insurance Number (SIN). An honest employer will only ask you for a SIN after hiring.

Finally, do a simple search before agreeing to anything and do not click on any links, reply to any messages, or download anything, until you are satisfied. Do a quick and easy research on the resume and work history of that company and sender and see if it shows you a result when you search for that company name next to the name “scam” on the internet. However, you can report your case to the CAFC and the Better Business Bureau.

Credible Ways to get a Job Offer from Canada

If you live in Canada, check out employment services provided by your municipality or county. If you are an international student, consider relevant academic resources for this purpose and if you request it online, send it directly to the company’s website. In addition, you can check out the resources for newcomers. Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) provide free employment services on its website for applicants, both in Canada and abroad. There is also a job bank website in Canada, where employers can apply for local and global talent.

Other options include reviewing provincial websites under the Atlantic Immigration Program (AIP). This way, you can also identify employers who look for foreign workers. The other case is the organizations participating in the RNIP (Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot) Program.

When applying for a job offer from Canada, you should have your cover letter and resume ready. Typically, in Canada, less personal information is requested from the applicant than in other countries. You need to configure your application based on the job you are applying for, so read the detailed job description. Explain overall and precisely to the person in charge of your hiring why you are the right person for the job and how you can make the company profitable. At the same time, carefully review the company history to make sure that you have chosen a good company for your work or not.

Finally, even if you do not consider yourself qualified and perhaps qualified for the job position you want, submit your application; employers have many reasons for hiring a person that may not even be on the list on that company’s website.

Alvand Immigration Organization
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