Documents required for a Study Permit

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Documents required for a Study Permit

A study permit is a document issued by the Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada (IRCC); Students can use this license to study at a Canadian educational institution.

The applicant’s spouse can obtain a free work permit and work for a Canadian employer. Applicant children under 18 can also attend Canadian elementary and high schools. Most students need educational permission to study in Canada; however, if the duration of study in Canada is six months or less, you will not need to obtain a study permit.

How to get a Study Permit

The processing time for study permit applications varies, and applications may be processed late in the summer months.

To apply for a Canadian study permit, students must meet the following conditions:

  • They must first receive a Letter of Acceptance from a reputable educational Institution in Canada.
  • The Students must provide a Certificate to prove financial ability to pay Tuition and Living Expenses in the first year of study, as well as the Cost of Transportation and Return to their Country.
  • Students wishing to study in Montreal or other Quebec cities must obtain the Québec Acceptance Certificate (CAQ).
  • The Students must have a Certificate of no criminal Records.
  • The Applicants must complete a Medical Examination and provide a Health Certificate.
  • The Applicants must convince the Immigration Officer that they will leave Canada at the End of the Study Period.

Other documents you must submit to the IRCC to obtain a study permit:

  • Applicant’s Passport and Family Members
  • Photocopy of Marriage Certificate
Certificate of Financial Ability

Information on financial viability:

  • Transfer Money to Canada and submit a Canadian Bank Statement in the Applicant’s Name
  • Provide a GIC (Guaranteed Investment Certificate) from a Financial Institution
  • Provide Proof of Student Loan from a Financial Institution
  • Applicant’s Bank Account Turnover in the last four months
  • Bank Certificate of the Applicant’s Account Balance
  • Payment Certificate of Tuition and Accommodation
  • Letter from the Person or Institution that pays the Applicant’s Tuition Fees.
  • Letter from the Applicant’s Family and Friends to support and pay for the education.
Accepting the Application for a Study Permit

If the application for a study permit is accepted, they will issue the following documents to the students:

  • Letter of Intent (LOI) confirming the Acceptance of the Application for a Study Permit.
  • ETA (Electronic Travel Authorization) for Students of Countries whose Citizens need it to travel.
  • TRV (Temporary Resident Visa) for Students from Countries where their Citizens need it. Students must enter Canada before the TRV expires. TRV indicates that an Applicant can enter Canada only once or several times.
Renewal of Study License 

Students may need to renew or change their study permits during their studies in Canada. If students in higher education wish to change their institution, field of study, or degree, they don’t need to re-apply for a new study permit and only need to update their information with the IRCC. For example, students can go from geography to philosophy or college to university. In this case, there is no need to re-apply for a new educational permit, and the students can continue their studies in Canada as long as the previous study permit is valid. However, students who intend to go from primary school to high school or to continue their education in a higher education institution after finishing high school must obtain a new study permit.

Alvand Immigration Organization
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