Working while Studying

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Working while Studying

With a valid Canadian study permit, students can work with an employer outside the campus. Students can work up to 20 hours per week during the school year or full-time during the school holidays.

Eligibility Requirements

To work outside the campus during their studies, students must meet the following requirements:

  • Having a valid educational license;
  • Full-Time Study in one of the selected educational institutions;
  • Starting studies and keeping themselves in a satisfactory educational status determined by that Institution;
  • Studying in an academic skill or specialized Training Program, which lasts at least six months and leads to a Diploma or Certificate of Completion;
  • Having a Social Insurance Number (SIN).

If the students’ status has changed and no longer meets the above requirements, they must leave work outside the university. Sometimes students who are no longer studying full-time may continue to work outside of campus if they:

  • Have enrolled as full-time students since the beginning of their Studies in Canada;
  • They are currently studying part-time because they are in the final semester of the Course and no longer need a full-time program to complete that.

The following international students are not eligible to work outside of university:

  • Students who have enrolled in the ESL (English as a Second Language) or the FSL (French as a Second Language);
  • Students taking a Prerequisite Course or Program;
  • Students are transferring to a selected educational institution.

The (Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada) IRCC determines the status of a full-time student based on the number of hours and courses allocated to complete a diploma or certificate of completion. The (Designated Learning Institution) DLI determines the number of hours and classes.

Working at University 

International students may be able to work within the campus where they enrolled if they meet qualifying criteria. For students to be able to work on campus without a work permit, they must meet the following conditions:

  • Valid Study Permit;
  • Having a Social Insurance Number (SIN);
  • Enrolling in one of the following Schools as a full-time student after High School:
  • Public Schools, such as College or University or (Collège d’Enseignement Général et Professionnel) CEGEP in Quebec;
  • A Quebec College-Level Private School that complies with similar Public School Laws and provides at least 50 percent of its Funding with Government Funding (semi-public), or
  • A Canadian Private School that can award a Degree under provincial Law
Alvand Immigration Organization
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