Work Permit after Graduation

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Work Permit after Graduation

All study permits, regardless of their validity date, are revoked 90 days after the student’s graduation. Foreign graduates must update their status with IRCC (Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada) within 90 days of graduation because they cannot continue to reside in Canada. Many of these graduates are eligible to apply for a PGWP (Post-Graduation Work Permit); Using the PGWP, the applicants can work for any employer anywhere in Canada for three years maximum after graduation. Work experience gained by using the PGWP is very effective in accepting a Canadian permanent residence application.

If your request to receive PGWP is not registered, you must do one of the following actions:

  • Apply for a Tourist Visa
  • Apply for another Work Permit, such as an Employer
  • Apply for another Study Permit to continue Studying. For example, you may want to pursue a Master’s Degree with your Bachelor’s Degree.
  • Leaving Canada
Applying for a Work Permit after Graduation

Eligible students completing a Canadian education program can apply for a Post-Graduate Work Permit (PGWP). PGWP allows you to work with any employer of your choice in Canada. You can use this professional work experience as a bonus to apply for permanent residence in Canada.

Canada offers Post Study Work Permits (PGWP) to international students to attract and retain them as immigrants. The PGWP is valid for up to three years (the PGWP actual duration for each individual depends on the length of their training program in Canada). PGWP is a work visa that allows graduates to work for any employer in Canada without a job offer. One of the fundamental advantages of PGWP is that graduates can gain professional work experience in Canada. This work experience will be beneficial for PGWP holders when they apply for immigration to Canada. In total, the PGWP holders must have one year of professional work experience in the National Occupational Classification (NOC) code 0, A, or B, to be eligible to apply for permanent residence in Canada.

Can I study Abroad and still be eligible for PGWP?

Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Canada, during the coronavirus epidemic, has followed a particular policy that allows students to complete their programs in Canada while living abroad and also be eligible when immigrating to Canada. To benefit from this policy, you must do one of the following:

  • Enroll in one of the selected educational institutions in Canada. (Designated Learning Institution) DLIs are Colleges and Universities approved by the Canadian Government to accept international students.
  • Start a Program between spring 2020 and fall 2021, or continue a Program you were doing in March 2020.
  • Have a Teaching License or Approval for a Teaching license, or have applied for a Teaching License to be approved before starting your Programs.
  • Fulfill all other Terms of the PGWP.
What are the Eligibility Requirements for PGWP?

To be eligible for a post-graduation work permit, students must meet the following requirements:

  • With Training completed in an academic Training Course and acquiring a Skill or Specialty that lasts at least eight months, they will be eligible to be listed on the Designated Learning Institute (DLI).
  • You must obtain a Degree, Diploma, or Certificate.
  • A full-time student in Canada who is eligible to apply for a Post-Graduation Work Permit in any course and has completed the Application
  • Note: During the Coronavirus, Canada waived this Requirement for some Students. Exemptions may apply to those who began or will begin a Course between spring 2020 and fall 2021 or those whose program started in March 2020. Also, they may make an Exception for those who have taken Leave in the last Semester of their Studies.
  • Receive Transcripts and an official letter from DLI confirming that the Applicant meets the Requirements to complete their Training Program.
  • The official Transcript and Letter in the Post-Graduation Permit Application
  • Graduated from:
  • A public institution
  • A College
  • A technical and professional School
  • A University
  • (Collège d’Enseignement Général et Professionnel) CEGEP (in Quebec)
  • A private post-secondary School (in Quebec), operating under the same rules as public schools in Quebec;
  • A High School or private High School (in Quebec), with qualifying programs of 900 hours or more, leading to a DEP (d’études professionnelles) or an ASP (Academic Support Program); Or
  • A Canadian private school with a Degree (an Associate’s Degree, Bachelor’s Degree, Master’s Degree, or Ph.D.) according to provincial legislation

Note- Graduates of skilled and specialized educational programs in Quebec, depending on the type of diploma issued, must also have obtained additional PGWP criteria specified by IRCC.

How long is the Value of PGWP?

PGWP is valid between 8 months and three years. Its actual duration validity depends on the term of your program at one of the Canadian DLIs. IRCC has provided the following agendas on its website:

  • Program completed under eight months: Not eligible for PGWP.
  • Program completed between 8 months and less than two years: PGWP will be valid for the same period as your Training Program (for example, a 10-month program results in a PGWP for ten months).
  • Program completed in 2 or more years: PGWP will be valid for three years.
  • Completing more than one program: If your programs are DLI-eligible and each lasts more than eight months, you may be able to combine your Courses in Canada to receive the PGWP. The Validity Period of PGWP corresponds to the Duration of the mentioned programs.
When is the Deadline to apply for PGWP?

It is 180 days (six months) after you receive a transcript and an official letter from DLI confirming that you are eligible to complete the training program.

If the study permit expires before the grades are received, candidates will have two options:

  • Applying to stay longer in Canada as a visitor; or
  • Leaving Canada and applying for PGWP.

When applying, applicants must show that they either have a valid education permit, have a study permit, or are authorized to study in Canada based on paragraphs 188(1)(a) and (b) of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Regulations. There is no need to obtain a study permit.

Alvand Immigration Organization
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